About Me

Hello and welcome!


Hello! My name is Mae. I am a 28 year old “mixed chick” living in France. Married and currently working from home. Before the whole epidemic mess I had just began my career as a singer & song writer, released my first E.P. (« Extended Play », sort of av mini album). After all these years of gathering the courage to pursue my dream job… what a time to have a career as a performer! The irony is not lost on me 🙂
Life goes on! I have many interests and wishes to fulfill. I am also a certified photographer (Bac +2 – french system, Film and digital camera), graduate anthropologist (Bac +3 Anthropology et Ethnology) and an explorer of life in all its glory. I love to read, write short stories, research different topics, take photographes, write songs, create melodies and music instrumentals or beats, sing, dance, inspire and be inspired! I love creative and artistic professions. If I could I would try out a little bit of every profession but for now I can just write this blog, starting small.
I am a little sensitive by nature, which is why I love creating and I cannot seem to just do one thing at a time. I am an introvert that has learned a few tips and tricks along the way in order to adapt myself to the current fast-paced and extrovertedly minded World. I am passionate about the Planet, people and animals. I love esoteric and spiritual teachings. I consider myself to be an intuitive person, constantly finding more ways to be in tune with my self and my surroundings. My goal is to be happy, healthy, fulfilled, as well as create connection with and for others: family life, married life, friendships and work. I strive to find balance in life. I am on a mission to it while expressing my creativity and hopefully through creation I can help someone else in their unique journey. 

Purpose of this Blog

     Sort of a “how to cope” for sensitive/introverted/shy/empathic/overthinking/perfectionist and or traumatized people. Having previously struggled with all these particularities, I would have given a lot for some guidance with my feelings. Being very distrusting and closed up, as well as unable to afford therapy, I had to be my own teacher and student. This blog is meant as a guide to help you find your place in this World and provide you with some emotional support.  My anthropological experience will help me do research on various topics, after which I will convey the messages I learn in a clear and simple manner. Well, as clear as I can be. The purpose of this blog is to give you a sense of belonging and connection. Helping you achieve fulfillment, happiness and love. Explore the World of Intuitive Living, starting from the way we feel inside to the way we show up in the World (intuitive eating, self care, lifestyle, beauty, career, hobbies and interests). 

     Having passed through some traumatic experiences as a child, I know what it is to feel stuck, trying hard to motivated yourself and still not being able to do anything about it. Not everyone has access to therapy and/or have emotionally stable/mature people in their lives. Sometimes you have to learn to heal on your own. Notice : When you are the patient and the doctor, there is a risk of clinging on to the wrong “remedy”, so proceed with caution and don’t believe everything you read, but don’t dismiss it either. 

     The amount of information available online is astounding, I dare not compete with that. I do not know everything, nor do I pretend to. I am not a therapist or a expert. I might not have the right answers, but I am genuinely invested in doing my best to figure things out. It is important to me : The fate of us Earthlings, so to speak. We need to heal stuff before we move forward and help the future generations as much as we can. After years of internalizing all the different experiences, perhaps it is time to start organizing them. Like pieces of a greater puzzle, we can complete each others knowledge. Be the person you wished you had growing up.

Organizing the blog

     While doing research into blogging, I found a little problem with the whole niche concept. It  is hard to pick one subject to concentrate on. I find so many things in life to be fascinating and I am drawn to learning about a wide variety of topics. I have decided not to “niche down” too much. I think people see through that anyway, and who am I to confine ideas into one word? A like minded person will not be perturbed by a variety of different subjects, I think. They want to know everything. Connect the dots between different concepts. We are not just “one” thing. As in music, I have no particular genre : I do what I feel when I feel it. For this reason the blog is to be Holistic Cultivation.

Holistic, meaning “total, universal, wholegrain”, emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.
Cultivation, meaning “refinement, culture, nurture”
development, fostering, cultivation of a positive approach to life and health

To me, this means connecting the dots. Life is like a puzzle to me, as mentioned previously. People and their opinions are like pieces of that puzzle. Some opinions oppose, creating Human groups and subgroups, which creates tension and perpetuates the desire of one group to dominate the other. Dividing people into categories : men/women, child/adult, black/white, good/bad. But that is not how it actually is, there is so much nuance and shade in between. We should allow each other express our unique point of view, listen without judging the other, without wanting to “win the argument”, to be right. Listen, speak and learn. I embrace my multifaceted personality, do you?

A long answer to the question of blog organisation…
In conclusion, I hope the “About Me” was interesting and informative. Feel free to contact me directly through email or social media. I would love to talk to you.

Best regards,




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